gençlerbirliği ile galatasaray'ın türkiye kupası tarihinde 2. kez karşı karşıya gelecekleri maç.
iki takım daha önce 96-97'da 6. turda karşı karşıya gelmişler ve normal süresi 1-1 tamamlanan maçı penaltı atışları sonucunda gençlerbirliği 17-16 kazanmış ve tur atlamıştı.
gençlerbirliği için bu kadsar önemli bir maçta bile sadece parayı düşünen ve fahiş fiyatlar uygulayan gençlerbirliği yönetimini protesto etmek için tüm taraftar gruplarının izlemeye gitmediği maç.
ayrıca sayın cavcav maçtan önce dalga geçer gibi "bu kadar önemli maçta neden taraftarımız gelmiyor" gibi saçma sapan bir açıklama yapmıştır.
gençlerbirliği kulübünün uyguladığı yanlış bilet fiyatı uygulaması yüzünden 3-5 km uzağımızda oynanan maçı sakaryada bir televizyon karşısında izlediğimiz için maç öncesi içim çok buruktu.
15e yakın arkadaş sakaryada oturup maçı izledik. maçın başında açıkcası çok fazla hayal kurmuyordum çünkü bu sezon çok fazla maçta bu yüzden burnumuz sürtüldü. maçın ilk yarısında bayağı baskılı oynadık ve galatasaray'a hiç pozisyon vermedik. buna karşılık özellikle sağ kanattaki dinamomuz burhan eşer enfes işler yaptı ve birkaç kere güzel pozisyonlar yakaladık ama cömertce harcadık. ilk yarı 0-0 bitti ama tıpkı son bjk lig maçı ya da ondan önceki fb lig maçında da ilk yarıda -hatta tüm maç boyunca- iyi oynamış ama hep kaybetmiştik, o yüzden hayal kurmaya gerek yoktu.
ikinci yarı başında engin baytar yerine mehmet nas oyuna girdi. mehmet nas, orta sahada çok sağlam bir dinamodur ve hem orta sahadan ilereyi top çıkarır hem de rakip ataklarında çok sağlam top keser. yani bence rakibi bozmak için çok iyi bir seçimdi ama engin yerine tüm maçta etkisiz olan mehmet çakır'ı çıkartmak çok daha yerinde olur. ikinci yarı daha baskılı oynamaya hatta atak sonrası dönen tüm topları toplamaya başladık. kahe'nin direkte patlayan kafa topu ardından artık gol atmalıyız derken tuna'nın 3 gsli topcuya ardı arkasına bitmek bilmez presi sonucu defans hata yaptı ve burhan topu filelere gönderdi. bar bir anda "gençler, gençler..." sesleri ile inledi. ardından ikinci ya da üçüncü gol gelebilirdi ama her zamanki "cömertliğimizle" harcadık. hele 3'e 1 yakaladığımız poizisyon...
kısacası galatasaray'a pozisyon bile vermediğimiz çok güzel bir maç oldu. 1-0 yenerek ufakta olsa bir adım öne geçtik ama bu kadar baskılı oynarken ikinci ya da üçüncüyü de atmalıydık.
maçın ardından arkadaşlarla rövanş maçında ali sami yen'de olmaya karar verdik. umarız gideriz ve final biletiyle döneriz...
vatan gazetesinin güncel bir reklam filmine gönderme yaparak "başkan yok, teknik direktör de... aslan kaçmış çaktırma! 1-0" başlığı ile okuyucularına duyurduğu maç.
sakaryada maçı izlediğimiz barı golle beraber gençler tezauratlarıyla inlettiğimiz maç. hiç aklımızda yokken final hayalleri kurmaya başladık. fakat bilet fiyatları yüzünden ne yazık ki oyuncularımızın yanında olamadık.
atilla türker, fiyat politikasını protesto ederek maça gitmeyen gençlerbirliği taraftarları ile ilgili olarak bugün (21.mart.2008) hürriyet ankara gazetesi'nde "cavcav'dan taktik hatası!" başlıklı bir yazı kaleme almış. yazı şöyle;
gençlerbirliği’nin önceki gece galatasaray ile oynadığı kupa maçında tribünleri gördünüz mü? daha doğrusu, tribündeki gençlerbirliği taraftarını saydınız mı? ben saydım: 45... ilk planda, taraftarın bu ilgisizliğine çok şaşırdım ve kızdım... bu maça gelmeyeceklerdi de, hangi maça geleceklerdi! ama kazın ayağı öyle değilmiş... bilet fiyatları, bayağı pahalıymış. 35-45-55 lira olan fiyat, taraftarın tepkisine neden olmuş.
eğri oturalım, doğru konuşalım... üç büyük kulübün taraftarı için, bu fiyat normal olabilir. ama ankara’da yaşayan taraftarın kaçı, bu parayı rahatlıkla ödeyebilir! zaten taraftarlar anlaşmışlar, “toplu eylem” kararı almışlar. ilhan cavcav’a buradan bir çift sözüm var: bilet fiyatlarına zam yapacak başka maç bulamadınız da, bu maçı mı buldunuz? bu karşılaşma, dönüm noktası niteliğindeki bir maçtı... tur atlanılması halinde final oynanacaktı, uefa kupası aralanacaktı. ilhan ağabey, siz çok iyi bilirsiniz ki, kupada alınan her puanın, atlanılan her turun, müthiş bir karşılığı var... sadece şunu hatırlatalım, kupayı kazanan kulübün kasasına total 3,5 milyon euro giriyor. ağabey... ortalama 45 liradan 45 taraftar, 2 bin 25 lira demektir... sadece bu kadarını aldınız. eğer siz bilet fiyatlarını, ne bileyim 10 lira yapsaydınız, stada biletli 5 bin taraftar gelseydi, kasaya da 50 bin lira girseydi, fena mı olurdu yani! 3,5 milyon euro da cabası! gelsin paralar, gitsin paralar...
şunu da bilirdik ki, bu indirimin acısını, daha sonra çıkartırdınız. hem bu taraftar desteği ile takım galatasaray önünde daha iyi oynardı. burhan gol attı, önüne gideceği taraftar yok... takım maç kazandı, huzurunda sevineceği taraftar bulamadı. bu nasıl taktik, bu nasıl hesap, ilhan ağabey!..
yegenim barış"a olum barış sana söz bu sene galatsaray finale kalırsa final türkiyenin neresinde olursa olsun seni götürecegim deyip söz verdiğim ankarada oynanan bu ilk macın sonucunda ise yaaa dayı istanbulda nasıl olsa tur atlarız dedigi ve ali sami yen deki rövanşı iple cektigi maçtır.
gulay, a galatasaray fan, is the only other turkish football blogger writing in english whom i respect. she understands humour, she understands that humour is spelt with a "u" and she understands how to put the knife in, take a hit and hit back.
having said all that she is a complete and utter fraud and obviously blind to boot and she should go back to her knitting (i think that is what someone urged her to do on a blog about politics that is much more juvenile than this one).
i'm not a sexist person by nature but when it comes to attacking galatasaray and gulay i will use every weapon in the book. (by the way, am i the only person who thinks gulay wears much to much make-up for a 54 year-old).
i should also point out that i have given up smoking. four days now and this may also influence the extreme bile i am about to launch upon the referee.
spine has also given up and it was certainly a weird experience to sit down at the chopin bar and not light up. of the 13 of us gencler fans at bar only alpine kanka wolfgang was smoking... and boy did the smoke smell wonderful.
i'm not going to name everyone who came along, too boring, but i must make a special mention for smart arse yankee kanka and mrs. smart arse yankee kanka (no feminist-style differentiation between husbands and wives names here) finally managed to use their season tickets which they bought about 10 months ago. the tickets have always been put to good use throughout the season and anyone else who would like to buy a season ticket next year, and then not use it, are encouraged to contact us.
the match...
i am disgusted. not with genclerbirligi, not even with galatasaray (well, umit karan really is wanker, even if he is a former gencler player) but the referee and linespersons were the worst i have ever seen.
when we walked into the stadium today i spoke to one of the gencler fans. he said straight up that galatasaray would win because of the way that fenerbahce beat denizli last night. the referee, he said, had to be totally on galatasaray's side because otherwise the cimbom lot would cry foul.
the bloke wasn't wrong. fouls were given against us left, right and centre for absolutely nothing. offsides were given against us practically every time we were making a run.
but the knock-out blow was the absolute and complete and utter incompetence of the referee when he didn't give us a penalty. after the match we went to the cappadokia bar and watched the replay about 323 times and if this wasn't a penalty the pope must be a buddist. we are talking big, big, travesty of justice, think of lindy chamberlain, david hicks, and that bloke from eastenders who went down for a crime that every single viewer knew that he didn't commit (but whom the viewers at the same time were very happy that he was effectively written out of the soap).
how the bloody hell this referee gets another game in the top flight i don't have a bloody clue.
it was a rugby tackle, well, a pretty shit rugby tackle but still it was a bloody penalty!
referee says no, play goes on... we go on the attack, seconds left in the 1st half and we are on... the attack goes down the left and a goalscoring opportunity is on... and the fer blows his whistle for half time! wtf. this may happen in europe but in turkey the referee never blows up for half time when a real attack is on.
second half and the rain is coming down, by the way i agree with gulay that the pitch was an absolute disaster, but the rain did make it difficult to play. genclerbirligi were all over galatasaray, but once again we showed that it is impossible to win without a decent forward. scouser kanka steve (who was sitting with us kankas for the first time) mentioned at one stage that promise was a waste of space... well, anyone who has read this blog over the past two years would have the same idea.
hakan aslatas had a few shots, one which which was so wide that it went for a throw-in, not a corner, but really we never threatened the actual goal, not much anyway. we would get into position for a shot... and then fluff it.
as the rain fell and lightening filled the sky genclerbirligi played out of their socks... we were truly going for it (unlike two weeks ago) but the goal just couldn't be found.
then came the sucker punch as lincoln fired off a shot that found the back of the net.
devastated. things aren't looking good. relegation is a possibility.
we then hooked up with sir eski kanka, maniac kanka and battle-hardened kanka damon at the cappadokia bar to drown our sorrows. oktay, the owner of the bar and a genclerbirligi club member, pulled out his saz and played a number of wonderful songs... the misket was my favourite.
genclerbirligi play galatasaray tonight in the first leg of the turkish cup semi-finals. there will be plenty of galatasaray fans but possibly just a handful of gencler fans. why? because genclerbirligi chairman ilhan cavcav has decided to put a price tag of 45 tl for tickets to maraton.
genclerbirligi fan sites are full of people complaining that they can't afford to go and others deciding to boycott the match in protest. now for many of the foreigners who read this blog 45 tl may not sound like a lot of money but for turkey this is a damn lot, especially when you consider that a season ticket for gencler cost us 105 tl.
at a similar stage of the cup competition last year we played fenerbahce. there was outrage when cavcav made us pay 30 tl for those tickets. still, we showed up and actually we started up a small fund to get some of our student fans in. this year he has decided to hike the price by 50 percent.
so it seems as if there will be just a few fans watching tonight. and what is the bet that afterwards cavcav will complain to the media that the people of ankara don't support their own teams.
i still haven't decided whether to go or not. i'll make that decision over a beer at the chopin.
edit: seems as if a group of around 20 gencler fans will also be at the chopin bar this evening
my one chance of gloating about galatasaray and cavcav fucks me up
genclerbirligi know how to play football. in many ways tonight's match was a replay of the match we played a couple of weeks ago against besiktas. in other words, it was all us.
genclerbirligi 1 - 0 galatasaray
this is not going to be a comprehensive report due to the fact that i'm slightly pissed. of course, i wouldn't be in this state if it wasn't for mr. ilhan cavcav. sorry if i'm boring you with this but cavcav continues to piss off the fans.
the galatasaray fans came out in force tonight... we didn't. in protest at the ludicrous prices being charged by cavcav we refused to go to the match.
according to the anadolu news agency a group of gencler supporters gathered at the entrance to the stadium calling on cavcav to get fucked. anatolia reported that the group left without any incident.
alpine kanka wolfgang and his crew had unfortunately already bought tickets for the match and so after a beer or two they went off to the match. flying dutchman kanka later phoned alpine kanka and the agreed stadium count for genclerbirligi was put at 200, that includes maraton and behind the goal.
i don't cross picket lines and so there was no way that i was going to attend tonight's match, even though i could easily afford it. it is down right disgusting the way cavcav complains all the time that ankara people don't support "his team" and then he goes and ensures genclerbirligi has no support by pricing the real gencler supporters out of the match.
watching the match on television at the chopin bar made me realise just how much cavcav is a ....
actually it was quite nice watching the match with other gencler fans, many of whom i had not met before.
as for the football...
1st half: genclerbirligi all the way.
2nd half: genclerbirligi all the way... and a goal from burhan after mr. fish did brilliantly to set it up.
the really weird thing after this 1-0 victory is that we might well have more supporters at the second leg match then we did this evening. if we play like we did tonight we should win.... and what is the bet that the ticket prices are going to be a damn lot cheaper.
cavcav! stop fucking us!
having said all that. i'm damn happy to get the win. is it enough? the majority of people around the table this evening didn't think so. i'm still positive. i still dream of the day (actually i think i might head over there now) i can go over to gulay's blog and truly pay the shit out of her team. (as opposed to nathan's team whose blog has become a commercial travesty... where has the fun gone nathan???).